China: Butcher Blowtorching Eyes and Mouth

By Michele Brown | January 31, 2019

It defies logic how any human being can inflict gross suffering on another living creature and remain utterly immune to the screams of agony. The butcher’s blow torching the dog’s head to take it’s eyes out and blind it, and take its voice box out so it will shut up from screaming. Then he’ll be able to slowly blowtorch the blinded and silenced dog in peace. The dog will be unable to run away or scream out. I’d like to use that blow torch on the butcher and let him know how it feels.

I’ve been writing about dog meat dogs in China for many years. It appears a higher number of dogs are being set on fire by individuals acting as do-it-yourself dog butchers. How can any of the spectators stand around and just passively watch?

This is not the work of a commercial slaughterhouse, where time is money and they have large quotas to move through.

Video: warning. Graphic footage. Viewer discretion.

China is the country which is hosting the World Dog Show in the upcoming months!

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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Today you can help save an animal’s life.


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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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Sarah Young
6 years ago

Utterly HORRIFIC and unimaginable how this is happening legally and without reproach in the 21st century, these people are the cruelest most barbaric in the world. This is nothing to do with eating meat, this is barbarism and EVIL to cause such horrific suffering to a living creature. I wish God would wipe all the butchers out with a deadly disease in the meat they butcher and eat. I can’t watch the video. Just seeing the photos is enough to give me palpitations and cause me to get extremely upset. I hope and pray enough voices and pressure can get this stopped on e and for all but I don’t think we will ever stamp it out completely as they are a law unto themselves. But we must keep fighting for those poor dogs. It’s unbearable even just to see the snap shots of what this poor innocent being suffered so I can’t begin to cope with watching. How can a human being inflict such atrocities on a loving intelligent animal? I can’t bear it

Brenda Jones
6 years ago

Barbaric sadistic cruelty – evil bastard!!! I’d like to use the blowtorch on him!

Mary Pope
6 years ago

Barbaric evil human. He has no soul to inflict such pain on an animal.

vicki hood
6 years ago

May he die in the same miserable torturous manner.

Susanne Richter
6 years ago

Please stop this !!!!!

6 years ago

No animal should be in China. They are the most cruelest mindless barsteds around. What is wrong with there stupid laws? No government to run there county. Oh yes it’s that little fat man with the queer haircut. No brainer.

Angel Murphy
6 years ago

Pos dispicable sick demented scum! I’d like to do that to him!

5 years ago

Prokleti bili zauvijek gadovi jedni, svaki zalogaj vam u grlu stao i udavio vas, vi ste ubice i mucitelji, treba vam vratiti istom mjerom majku vam koja vas je rodila. Za takve ljude samo elektricna stolica i prziti ga polako da osjeti svu bol koju je i ova dusa

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