Horrific! China: Dog Butcher Uses Blowtorch

By Michele Brown | March 29, 2024

China’s Blowtorch Butchers: A Horrific Exposé of Animal Cruelty

In the underbelly of China’s meat industry, a horrifying practice persists: the use of blowtorches to slaughter dogs. This barbaric method, employed by some butchers, subjects these defenseless animals to an unimaginable ordeal – a slow, agonizing death that can stretch for over an hour. This article delves into the depths of this cruelty, exposes the individuals behind it, and explores the urgent need for change.

dog meat, china, butcher, blowtorch
Stolen pet dogs wearing house collars.
dogmeat - butcher
Butcher uses a hand held blowtorch to cook the dogs alive.

Video Warning: Viewer Discretion Strongly Advised.


The following video is graphic. It is very difficult to watch and will cause distress. Please use discretion before watching it.


A Blowtorch’s Symphony of Suffering

The blowtorch becomes a nightmarish instrument in the hands of these butchers. The torture begins with the searing of the dog’s face. The excruciating heat burns out the dog’s eyes, plunging it into a world of eternal darkness. Screams erupt from the animal’s throat, but the blowtorch’s merciless dance continues, deliberately burning the vocal cords to silence their cries.

Blinded and silenced, the dog’s torment reaches a new level. The butcher methodically continues, using the blowtorch to char the fur and skin. The agonizing heat penetrates deep, likely while the animal is still alive. The stench of burning flesh fills the air, a testament to the unimaginable suffering inflicted.

The slow, deliberate nature of this torture reveals a level of sadism that goes beyond mere killing. It becomes a performance of cruelty, a grotesque display of power over a helpless creature.

The Butcher Behind the Blowtorch

One such perpetrator is Wu Maoxing, a butcher from Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, China. His story, if true, exemplifies the individuals who perpetuate this barbaric practice.

The lack of animal protection laws in some parts of China allows this cruelty to flourish. Butchers like Wu Maoxing operate in a legal grey area, exploiting the loopholes that leave animals vulnerable.

A Culture of Consumption: Fueling the Demand

The demand for dog meat in certain parts of China fuels this brutal industry. While not universally consumed, dog meat festivals and restaurants continue to operate, creating a market for this cruelty. Misconceptions about the supposed health benefits of dog meat and cultural beliefs contribute to the persistence of this practice.

Beyond the Blowtorch: A Systemic Issue

The blowtorch method is just one horrific example of the wider issue of animal cruelty in the meat industry, not just in China, but globally. Factory farms subject animals to cramped, unsanitary conditions, often employing brutal methods of slaughter.

A Call to Action: Breaking the Cycle of Cruelty

Spreading awareness is crucial to ending the barbaric practice of blowtorch killings. Sharing stories like Wu Maoxing’s and advocating for stricter animal protection laws in China can create a wave of change.

Here are some ways you can make a difference:

  • Share this article and raise awareness. The more people who know about this cruelty, the stronger the movement for change becomes.
  • Support animal rights organizations. Donate or volunteer your time to organizations working to protect animals in China and around the world.
  • Reduce your meat consumption. Opting for plant-based meals or choosing meat from farms with humane practices can lessen the overall demand for meat produced through cruelty.
  • Educate others about the issue. Talk to your friends and family about the horrors of the blowtorch method and other forms of animal cruelty in the meat industry.

The Road to Compassion

Ending the blowtorch killings and broader animal cruelty requires a multi-pronged approach.

  • Legislative Change: Stronger animal protection laws with clear enforcement mechanisms are essential. This includes stricter penalties for animal cruelty and independent oversight of slaughterhouses.
  • Shifting Cultural Attitudes: Raising awareness about the suffering of animals used for food can lead to a cultural shift. Educational campaigns and documentaries can play a vital role in fostering compassion.
  • Supporting Alternative Protein Sources: The rise of plant-based meat alternatives offers a viable solution. Encouraging the development and accessibility of these alternatives can lessen reliance on meat produced through cruel practices.

By working together, we can create a world where such barbaric practices become a relic of the past. The blowtorch may be the weapon of choice for these butchers, but together, our voices can be the instruments of change. Let’s raise awareness, advocate for reform, and ultimately, build a future where compassion for all living beings reigns supreme.

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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