China: Harbin Dog Meat Market

By Michele Brown | October 15, 2019

Harbin dog meat market today. Still alive the dog is hoisted off the ground by a chain around his neck. A butcher leaves the flailing dog hanging for a minute then stabs him in the side of his neck. Unable to scream out in pain or terror, the dog’s face twitches in terror as his own blood begins to gush out. The second butcher seizes one of the dog’s hind legs and ties a rope on it. He pulls the dog’s hind leg, stretching the dog’s body horizontally across the back of the truck. They’re about to start skinning the dog. The dog is still alive; his mouth opens and shuts, his tail flickers and his eyes open and close in slow blinks.

Harbin’s dog meat market is in full swing every month. Dogs are bought and sold for dog meat. The dog in this video is about to be skinned alive. This is common practice. Butchers don’t care if the dog is not actually dead. As far as they’re concerned they stabbed the dog in the neck. Harbin dog meat market is harboring animal atrocities every month!

Local Harbin rescuers and animal lovers desperately want the world to see what is happening in Harbin, situated in northern China. Its time for foreigners around the world to look beyond Yulin when it comes to China. Harbin dog meat market is open for business every single month; month in, month out; year in, year out. Its 2019 and this level of accepted atrocity has to be exposed and stopped.

Video: viewer discretion advised and may be upsetting.

The dog in the following video is still alive.

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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Today you can help save an animal’s life.


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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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Darlene Baneky
5 years ago

The mentality of these people are seriously off! Dogs/cats are pets and useful for many things. They need to stop already!

Diane Trundell
5 years ago

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you’re doing. It’s appreciated by animal lovers everywhere

Susan copping
5 years ago

China you are a national disgrace if you want to be liked stop this barbaric torture and killing of dogs and cats

Christine Thörnwall
5 years ago


Ingrid Håkanson
5 years ago

Stop this horrible dog meat market!! Now!!

Nele Kempfer
5 years ago

Tierquälerverbotsgesetz mit schlimmen Strafen in China, internationale Beteiligung, publik werden lassen in den Medien,,Chinaproduktboykott,Tourismusboykott

Nele Kempfer
5 years ago

Tierquälerverbotsgesetz mit schlimmen Strafen in China, publik werden lassen in den Medien, internationale Beteiligung, Chinaproduktboykott und Handelsverträge mit der Bedingung eines Tierquälerverbotsgesetz, publik werden lassen in den Medien, Tourismusboykott

Deborah Lowe
5 years ago

Thank goodness You & others are using your Voices for the Voiceless.
This is beyond Horrific Barbaric Evil.
If we ignore & allow this Evil will thrive & grow and our world will become lost forever.
Kindest regards
Deborah Lowe.

Ellen ritsos
5 years ago

Deplorable barbaric sadistic evil scum trash bastards!

Ellen ritsos
5 years ago

boycott everything !!!

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