China: Hubei Prohibit Abandoned Dogs & Cats

By Michele Brown | March 02, 2023

Hubei Province in China has begun Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations which prohibit the abandonment of dogs and cats. Hubei is known for shocking animal cruelty and a thriving dog meat trade. It’s a known hub for loaded dog meat trucks, filled with live dogs headed to slaughterhouses. The new regulations are for Hubei only and are ‘not’ animal protection laws.

New regulations in Hubei target breeders and pet owners. Dog ‘must’ wear a registration tag and be leashed at all times. Dog excrement must be picked up by the dog owner. In elevators and other confined spaces dogs must be muzzled or placed in a transport crate. [Many countries around the world already require dogs to wear a registration tag, be leashed at all times and dog excrement be picked up.]


Breeding aggressive dogs and/or large dogs is prohibited. The new regulations are designed to prevent people being bitten by dogs and prevent epidemics spreading. Special cases must be managed by relevant officials in Hubei Province. Fines between $158 usd and $800 usd will be issued to owners who abandon dogs and cats; including breeders.

Dogs must receive regular rabies immunizations. Breeders are required to supply rabies vaccinations for their dogs too. Local government departments will determine and publish rabies vaccination points. Hubei local government remains in charge of receiving abandoned, homeless and confiscated dogs and cats.

Fake Rabies Vaccines and Fake Rabies Immunization Certificates

Serious implications from issuing fake rabies immunization certificates, and the use of fake and inferior rabies vaccines plus other serious violations, will be investigated and dealt with by Hubei local government. (The use of fake rabies vaccines and fake immunization certificates were instrumental in the overall USA ban which halted rescue dogs from many countries being allowed to enter the United States.)

Hubei’s regulations against people abandoning dogs and cats is a welcomed small step forward. Its way too soon to celebrate. Hubei’s dog meat trade is vast and not about to end any time soon. We pray Hubei government uphold and enforce their new rules, otherwise they become another paper tiger for show. We sincerely hope Hubei will lead the way for other provinces to follow suit against people who abandon their dogs and cats.

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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