China: Husky Forced To Pull Loaded Trolley

By Michele Brown | January 21, 2021

The Husky dog is on the ground in exhaustion. Everyday, according to eye witnesses, the Husky is forced to pull the owner’s loaded trolley around the streets like a mule. The dog is crippled from being overworked, pulling the buckling weight of the endless loads. When he collapses onto the ground unable to go on, his cruel owner whips him mercilessly! According to reports the dog is unable to walk properly after being severely beaten so many times with whips or rods. The dog can ‘not’ be simply confiscated from the owner because in China taking the dog would be ‘theft of property.’ Rescuers would be arrested as there’s no animal protection laws. This dreadful owner has the law on his side.

Video: warning! Viewer discretion advised. May be upsetting for some.

Over the years we’ve seen many videos of dogs being forced to pull heavy loads (in China and Vietnam.) But this video captures what really happens when the dog breaks down and is unable to take another step. Owners erupt in furious rages and viciously assault their dogs who are already pushed beyond breaking point. Dogs like this poor Husky dog usually end up as dog meat dogs who’re left with broken bodies, betrayed and broken hearted. Disgraceful. Conditions will not improve until China implements and upholds animal protection laws. Only then will rotten owners will be help responsible to the full letter of the law.


Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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