China: No Dogs Outside In Yunaan

By Michele Brown | November 18, 2020

Pet dog owners in Yunnan Province will only be told three times that all dogs are banned from being outside, even for toileting. Next violation the dog will be seized and killed by the local public security bureau. Pet dogs are forbidden from being walked on leashes or carried in their owner’s arms outside their own indoor living area. Not even allowed outside for bathroom breaks.

The new rule doubles as a death sentence for any stray or street dogs. All dogs are banned from being outside in Yunnan, regardless of their circumstance. 

Yunnan - Dogs - China

Irresponsible pet owners have given authorities in Yunnan an excuse to implement the new rule. Over recent years there’s been many dog incidents across China, including the death of an elderly woman in Guangdong who tripped and fell over a pet dog’s leash, where the owner fled the scene. In 2018 a woman was critically injured by a pet dog when she tried to shoo the dog away from her young son. 
According to reports, to avoid judicial action some people have killed their own pet dogs because of disputes. [There is no specific law in China relating to household pets so many dispute cases are unable to result in judicial action.]

Many cities across China have attempted ways to curb disputes relating to pet dog incidents, including one dog policies and height restrictions on the size of dogs allowed. Ultimately the dogs pay the penalty for owner’s irresponsible actions where pet dogs have caused injury or death. 

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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