Viet Nam: Botched Spay Surgery

By Michele Brown | April 28, 2023


A pet owner in Da Lat took her loved cat for spay surgery to MabuPet House vet clinic. When she collected her cat from the clinic she was horrified to see it’s skin burst open along it’s stomach. The cat was groaning in agony. MabuPet House vet clinic had botched her spay surgery and were happy to send the cat home to die. See Video #1 below.

MabuPet House clinic sent the cat home with pink tulle netting fabric tied around the cat’s waist. It was made to look like a little ballerina dress. Except under the tulle the cat’s insides were hanging out and rubbing against abrasive tulle netting. Unbelievably unethical and mindless for any so called ‘vets’ to be so callous, uncaring and manipulative. Did they think the owner would not notice?

The cat’s owner sent out an urgent call for help for her cat. She took her dying cat to Dr. Nghia’s new hospital Saigon Pet Hospital Da Lat. His surgical team immediately took the cat into life saving surgery. They were shocked to find FOREIGN OBJECTS LEFT INSIDE THE CAT’S BODY from the previous vets botched surgery (at MabuPet House.) See Video #2 below, of foreign objects being surgically removed by Dr. Nghia’s team.

Video #1: cat released from MabuPet House vet clinic in this condition after spay surgery:

Many local vets in Vietnam are considered ‘unqualified to practice’ outside Vietnam. Unskilled vets performing botched surgeries and sending animals home to die in horrific circumstances erode confidence of pet owners. Some local vets have signs in their entrance: “If your pet dies it’s not our fault.”

Video #2: Emergency Life Saving Surgery by QUALIFIED skilled veterinary surgeons at Saigon Pet Hospital Da Lat. Surgeons immediately discovered foreign objects left inside the cat’s body from botched surgery at MabuPet House clinic in Da Lat.

It’s too early to know if the poor cat can survive. She’s in intensive care hospital with Dr. Nghia’s team. Everything possible is being done to help her. [Dr. Nghia DVM PhD studied Veterinary Medicine in the UK, France and USA.]

This is a major problem throughout Vietnam. Too many pet owners have experienced the death of pets from botched spay and neuter surgeries. These same owners refuse to take their next pets to vets for sterilizing, or any surgery at all. Consequently Vietnam is over run with unwanted litters of puppies and kittens which become fodder for dog and cat thieves, to sell into local meat markets.

Our Fight Dog Meat team are very aware of continuous horror stories from unskilled vet practices. It’s important for us to highlight this because it’s a factor which must be dealt with to scale back the amount of unwanted litters; which end up as dog and cat meat.

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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