VietNam: Coward Cat Torturer

By Michele Brown | February 18, 2023

Minh Danh Trần is a cat torturer in Saigon. He’s a weak coward bully who’s emotionally blackmailing Vietnamese animal lovers. He grabs kittens and cats and put them in little iron cages. Then he sets fire to them! He’s now demanding $20 USD (500,000 vnd) to stop burning cats or he will keep setting fire to more cats until people pay him what he wants. Local animal lovers refuse to pay him a cent.

Minh Danh Trần has around 10 fake Facebook pages; all with similar names. Because he’s a coward he’s locked up his Facebook pages. This evil person is playing a sick game using his torture of defenseless kittens and cats to cause deliberate distress to animal lovers. He needs someone to do the same thing to him as what he’s doing to kittens and cats. Then we’d all get to see what a tough guy he is NOT. He’s a pathetic coward and needs a good dose of local justice, pet centric, Fight Dog Meat, fightdogmeat, Torturer


Minh Danh Trần, cat torturer.

The photograph below is another of his poor cat’s which he also set on fire. He posted this photo on one of his Facebook pages., pet centric, Fight Dog Meat, fightdogmeat


Another victim of Minh Danh Trần’s murderous cruelty.

Video: Viewer discretion advised. May be upsetting to some people.


Minh Danh Trần did this to these kittens and cats.

Not so many years ago Minh Danh Trần would have been hunted down and beaten to an inch of his life. It would have been called local Vietnamese vigilante justice.

In Conclusion

Fight Dog Meat rescues dogs and cats in Vietnam. We rescue some of the most critically injured anywhere, from Vietnam’s brutal meat trade. We have our own FDM Doggie Ranch facility in Saigon. FDM will continue exposing what is happening to the animals and the struggles imposed on local animal lovers. FDM is helping local animal lovers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

#Torturer #CatButcher

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Today you can help save an animal’s life.


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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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