VietNam: Helpless Dog On Busy Road

By Michele Brown | August 01, 2018

Three neighbors reportedly got together and slaughtered three dogs on the sidewalk of a busy road out of Hanoi. The dogs were strung up on the trunk of a sidewalk tree as busy traffic drove past on the road. The video was taken from across the road by someone who loves animals and wanted the cruelty exposed. We are thankful to them for their courage to risk being seen, to expose what is happening to animals in Vietnam.

Current Vietnamese law makes it was impossible for anyone to intervene or confiscate the dogs because the men were slaughtering their own dogs. To confiscate the dogs would be theft, resulting in arrest. There are no animal protection laws but there are laws against theft of property. In Vietnam animals are classed as property.

In the video below, as the dog hangs helplessly off the ground by it’s neck, one of the men bludgeons the dogs on it’s head a few times with a hammer. This would cause intense pain and dog’s legs seize up but it certainly did not kill the dog. At one stage teh dog was stunned and maybe lost consciousness for a moment, but it was still very much alive and quickly regained consciousness. As you can see in the video the dog’s legs are still tensed; which means it is not dead.

Vietnam - pet-centric
Live dog being bludgeoned for dog meat, as it hangs on the sidewalk of a busy road, out of Hanoi, Vietnam.

We do not know how long the dog was hanging before the person began videoing. As the video moves along the first hammer blows are inflicted at 1.30 minutes, which do not kill the dog. Further hammer blows are inflicted at 2.20 minutes and the dog is still alive.

At 2.24 you can see traffic slowing down. A mother with her small child on her motorbike stops on the road and stares, probably in horror and helplessness. There is nothing she can do to stop it.

When the video ends the dog is severely injured but not dead. It would most likely be then stabbed in the throat f(or it’s blood to be collected for cooking), and butchered to be cooked and eaten as dog meat. Vietnamese dog eaters want dog meat to be as tough as possible. This is brought about by inducing agony and/or terror to the conscious animal, causing it’s body to flood with adrenaline.

While spending time in Vietnam I have been told to my face by Vietnamese dog eaters that they believe eating tough dog meat makes them tough. And gives extra boost to their libido. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to back any of these ‘old wives tales’ false claims.

Video: viewer discretion advised.

Video is 2.32 minutes long.

Fight Dog Meat is working hard to try and help local Vietnamese animal lovers to bring in animal protection laws. Vietnam is a communist country so Vietnamese animal lovers cannot speak openly online about how they feel; but we can.

Per ratio per population Vietnam has the largest dog meat trade. And the largest cat meat trade, per ratio per population. If Vietnam had animal protection laws scenes such as this would be outlawed and the men would be held accountable for their animal cruelty.

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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Tu Uyen Nguyen
5 years ago

Shame on those evil people. How can they live with themselves. Are they even human. I am Vietnamese but know better what to eat and not to. They should try to be torture like they do on these innocent creatures made by god. Please help us fight against these evil act!

Sinikka Soininen
5 years ago

Stop torturing dogs and cats NOW!

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