VietNam: Laughing Butcher Exposes Cruelty of Dog Meat Trade

By Michele Brown | January 05, 2024

The butcher’s name is Hà Quốc Công. He’s barbarically cruel and sadistic. He takes delight inflicting agony and terror on those who cannot fight back. In the video below he laughs as he bludgeons a dog with such force in it’s mouth it’s teeth are smashed out of it’s head.

At the 15 second marker of the video (below) Hà Quốc Công is laughing as the dog’s shattered teeth splatter across the floor. He laughs for three seconds. The terrified dog is fully conscious throughout the 29 second video.

The dog’s torture is not over after the 29 seconds. It’s just beginning. We have further videos of Hà Quốc Công after he finishes bludgeoning.

In a different country Hà Quốc Công would be arrested, exposed on national television and sent to prison for years. He’s a pathetic coward. But in Vietnam he answers to no one. Animals are defenseless in Vietnam with no animal protection laws to hold people accountable for despicable cruelty.




Hà Quốc Công starts laughing at the 15 second marker of the video. He laughs for three seconds.

Video: Viewer discretion advised. Upsetting for some viewers.


Eventually Hà Quốc Công’s abhorrent cruelty will catch up with him. Rabies exists in Vietnam. It is invisible and rarely shows up straight away. Rabies can sit dormant in a human for up to seven years. And sit undetected in a dog for up to seven months. Rabies can enter the human body through tear ducts, nasal passages, mouth and any tiny scratch or pin prick on the skin. Dog butchers are particularly vulnerable to contracting rabies.

Tenderizing Live Dogs For Meat

Brutality is deliberately inflicted to flood the conscious dog’s body with adrenaline. Dog eaters call this tenderizing. Dog eaters demand tough meat. Adrenaline coursing through the conscious animal’s body causes the meat to become tough. [It is the complete opposite of westerners and Europeans meat eaters demanding (tender) soft meat.] Dog eaters falsely believe eating tough dog meat makes them tough when they eat it. They falsely believe it boosts their libido. It doesn’t!

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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