By Michele Brown | January 05, 2024
Vietnam: Loading Dogs & Cats
Thanh Hoa is located 90 miles from Vietnam’s capitol city Hanoi. These captured dogs and cats have been bought to be slaughtered for meat. The top photos show them in the trader’s holding dens. For up to five days they are denied any food or water. This is done to reduce body waste.

Right before loading each dog would be pumped with boiled rice followed by a gallon of drain water. This is to increase the dog’s weight as their loaded because they are sold by weight. One of the lower photos shows a crate of dogs on scales being weighed. They come off the scales and loaded straight onto the truck.
Photos below show dogs and cats from the south being weighed and loaded onto the truck to be driven to slaughterhouses nearer Hanoi; Vietnam’s capital city. Some people say there’s no cat meat in the north, but that’s not correct.

Rabies exists in Vietnam. Dog butchers and dog traders are particularly vulnerable to contracting rabies. It is invisible and rarely shows up straight away. Rabies can enter the human body through tear ducts, nasal passages, mouth and any tiny scratch or pin prick on the skin.
Rabies can sit dormant in a human for up to seven years. Rabies can sit undetected in a dog for up to seven months.Â
Fight Dog Meat will continue our rescue, rehabilitation and adoption work, helping Vietnam’s animals in critical need. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the hideous meat trade. FDM will keep exposing what these animals are forced to endure. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.
Thank you for reading,
Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat