Vietnam: One Ton Of Dead Dogs and Cats Seized By Police

By Michele Brown | January 05, 2024

Tuesday morning police in Thanh Hoa Province, Central Vietnam, seized a bus carrying more than one tone of recently slaughtered dogs and cats, plus animal innards. The haul was being delivered to restaurants in the north. Inside the bus police found ten boxes with a very strong smell.

Inside each box was five or six dogs and cats. The driver, Ho Van Lan, 28 years old, said he was paid to drive the boxes from Da Nang to restaurants in Thai Binh Province, southeast of Hanoi.

Dog meat is the number one meat eaten in Vietnam, and according to vnnews Vietnam is the second highest dog and cat consumer in the world, following China. It is estimated that five million dogs are eaten each year in Vietnam alone (end of report.) The 2015 population of Vietnam was 93,386,630 and for Vietnam to be the second highest consumer of dog and cat meat in the world, behind China, Vietnamese people are eating more dog meat than South Korea, Indonesia, Cambodia and so on. Vietnam’s biggest markets for cat meat are in Thai Binh and Nam Dinh Province, where the meat is considered by some as a delicacy and served at festive occasions like wedding parties.

Although cats are feared by many Vietnamese people, as an animal which can bring bad luck, many locals eat cat meat once a month to ensure good luck for the month. To keep the good luck going, they falsely believe cat meat has to be eaten at the start of every month. Dog meat is one of the main meats eaten in Vietnam, where it is falsely believed to boost a man’s libido – only if the meat is tough. To produce tough meat the animal’s body must be flooded with adrenaline at the moment of death, which is brought about by immense pain and terror. In face to face conversations with dog meat eaters in Vietnam, I have been told many times: “Eating tough meat makes a man tough.” Dog meat is usually washed down with alcohol drinks.

Thank you for reading
Michele Brown, Founder.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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