Vietnam: Saigon DMT Bust

By Michele Brown | April 02, 2021

District 12 is a dog meat hub in Saigon. Dog traders are on the road everyday with crammed cages of live dogs on the back of their motorbikes, heading to local butchers to sell them for meat. There’s countless slaughterhouses and dog and cat meat restaurants throughout District 12 .

District 12 police in Saigon had begun monitoring two known dog thief criminals. Yesterday morning police swooped on the two dog thieves as they delivered their haul of dogs to a slaughterhouse in Trung My Tay ward, District 12. The dog thieves were caught in the act of selling stolen pets to a known butcher running an illegal commercial dog and cat slaughterhouse hidden in a residential house.

Police uncovered 51 slaughtered dogs strewn about the floor. They also found dog poaching equipment used by dog thieves to steal dogs.

Vietnam: police uncovered 51 slaughtered dogs in a house in District 12.

A spokesperson for local authorities said the dog slaughterhouse is owned by 43 year old Mr. Le Van Phuong, who was fined $108 USD for operating a business “to preserve animal products without veterinary hygiene.” Police forced Mr. Phuong to destroy the 51 dog carcasses at a cost of $348 USD.

The two dog thieves were arrested and detained by police. The dog thieves remain in custody.

Three years ago slaughterhouse owner Mr. Phuong was charged with identical violations, having over 100+ slaughtered dog carcasses in his premises. He was forced to destroy all the carcasses at his own cost [which would have been around $800 USD; a large amount of money by Vietnamese standards.]

In My Opinion

In my opinion I feel there’s more to this story. District 12 has so many dog traders supplying butchers every day of the week, as well as countless slaughterhouses and dog meat restaurants. Local police would know everything going on. In real life I know District 12. Dog traders drive all over the roads every day with loaded dog cages and no one blinks. What happened in this story seems like turf war and authorities flexing their muscles over the butcher; reminding him of who is in charge (and its not him.)

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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