VietNam: Year Of The Cat 2023

By Michele Brown | January 21, 2023

As Asia celebrates the start of Lunar Year of the Rabbit, Vietnam will celebrate Lunar Year of the Cat. There’s much speculation why Vietnam rejected the rabbit but no official explanation why they embraced the cat. Grandiose expressions of praise are suddenly being showered upon cats.

Propaganda includes:


    • cats chase away bad spirits

    • cats bring good luck

    • cats are majestic because they resemble little tigers

    • cats are powerful

    • cats help protect crops and food from rodents

    • perhaps the local word for rabbit [mao] got mixed up in translation and was thought to be cat [meo]

    • raising rabbits in not common in Vietnam

    • Vietnamese don’t want two years of similar animals – they see mice and rabbits as too closely linked

    • Year of the Cat brings smooth sailing to Vietnam

    • people born in the Year of the Cat have things easier than others

    • people born in the Year of the Cat are more active, hard working and easier to get along with.

Reality for Cats in Vietnam:


    • cat meat is eaten at the start of each lunar month under the false belief that eating cat meat wards off evil spirits for that month (and must be repeated each month)

    • eating a cat’s spine gives you the agility of that cat

    • the majority of cats and kittens in Vietnam are riddled with injuries and diseases

    • the majority of cats in Vietnam are unsterilized

    • unwanted litters of cats and kittens become fodder for the cat meat trade

    • cat meat is readily available across Vietnam

    • per ratio per population Vietnam is the number one cat eating country [and dog eating country]

Some cafes who previously never kept cats are publicly keeping live cats trapped in little cages as lucky charms to attract customers.

Cat sculptures have been erected across Vietnam in preparation for Tet celebrations. Cat paraphernalia is being sold in markets everywhere, including cat gadgets, cat charms and so on.

New Year / VietNam / Cat

Fight Dog Meat rescues dogs and cats in Vietnam. We rescue some of the most critically injured animals anywhere, from Vietnam’s brutal meat trade. FDM will continue exposing what is happening to the animals and the struggles imposed on local animal lovers. FDM is helping local animal lovers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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Today you can help save an animal’s life.


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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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