China: Wuhan Pet Dog Atrocities

By Michele Brown | April 09, 2019

A security at the Changting No. 2 Middle School in Changting City, bludgeoned two dogs who wandered into the school grounds. One dog was bludgeoned to death. Beating the first dog to death left the guard too exhausted to finish bludgeoning to death the Golden Retriever. The dog has been rescued and is now in Wuhan Animal Hospital, in critical condition. Changting city and Wuhan are both in Fujian Province.

Wuhan recently implemented a ban for any dog over 17 inches tall. No exceptions. Loved pets are being forcibly removed from distraught owners by city management officials. Pets are never to be seen again after being classified as “banned breeds” for being over 17″ tall., pet centric, Fight Dog Meat, fightdogmeat
Rescued Golden Retriever, after being bludgeoned by the school security guard.

Pet owners must be vigilant for their dog’s safety. They cannot allow their loved pet to wander unleashed or unregistered. And dog over 17″ will be confiscated on the spot, even if its registered and leashed. Unconfirmed reports say confiscated dogs in Wuhan are burned alive. [We know this is possible because confiscated dogs in Shanghai were being burned alive at a crematorium.]*

Local animal lovers report the Mayor of Wuhan is against dogs and wants his city “beautified” for upcoming military games in October.

Wuhan is home to dog meat restaurants which roast fully conscious dogs alive. Dogs are tied down over open flames and slowly roasted to death. It is unimaginable and despicable cruelty! The dogs are slowly cooked from the outside, in, as people stand around and laugh at their screams of pain.

The World Dog Show will be held in Shanghai later this month, with international judges. Read more: China: World Dog Show for Shanghai.

Confiscated dogs in Shanghai became known as the ‘Jinshan dogs.’ The Haven dog sanctuary has a number of rescued Jinshan incinerator dogs, which Fight Dog Meat help.

Do you think the World Dog Show should be held in China?

Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing despite no animal protection laws. Turning away or sitting quietly does not end the trade. We’ll keep exposing what is taking place to these animals. We’re helping local volunteers have a louder voice on a world platform. Ultimately it’s the voice of the country’s own people whom their government will eventually be forced to listen to, for positive change for animals.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown
Fight Dog Meat.

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(Photo not credited to Fight Dog Meat)

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Julie stokes
5 years ago

Please stop the cruelty of killing all innocent animals

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